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Writer's pictureChristina Vourcos

It’s In My Veins


Leo Hendrie/April Carver (Chasing Life, ABC Family)

We always want to live life to the fullest, but sometimes we don’t. We sit around waiting for our life to really start. I keep saying that it’s up to us to make our lives the way we want them to. I know it’s not easy. It isn’t for me. Some times I wish I had that certain guy walk into my life and make every day with him an adventure. It doesn’t seem like that will happen any time soon. That doesn’t mean that I can’t keep trying to make myself happy.

Every day lately seems to be a wasted opportunity, because I could have written a story or poem but I didn’t. Each day I feel guilty not doing so. I don’t have any excuses. I know what helps me writing having some prompt, or any idea to start with. After my creative writing class this summer, I haven’t written creatively. I think I’ve finally figured out why. I’ve been depressed lately. Time to time, I’m prone to getting depression (it might be genetic). I’ve learned how to deal with it, but it annoys me when it causes me to not really enjoy life like I want to. Thankfully, it hasn’t been too bad.

When I started watching Chasing Life, I knew right away that I would love the show. It seems rare to find a show based around my age range 25, or even in written stories. I’ve never experienced Cancer first hand, I’ve known others who have, most of all my grandma who is a survivor. This show has helped me have a bit more understanding what they are going through. While this show might be similar to A Walk to Remember and/or The Fault in Our Stars (both which I’ve read and seen their film adaptations), I couldn’t quite relate to them as much as I do with this show. April starts out with a focus on her journalism career (something I had hoped to do, but I let it go), and she finds out that she has leukemia. This causes a huge shift in her perspective on life and the people around her. She receives strength from her family and her friends, as they find out about her illness. I feel drawn to root for her as well, like she’s running a race, and I’m cheering her on. While in the beginning she falls for it seems the perfect guy, Dominic, who works at the same newspaper she does. April (and I) later get drawn to Leo, because of his true personality. I realized why he felt so familiar to me. Leo reminds me of Richard Castle, besides not being a writer (that we know of). When it comes down to choosing between Dominic and Leo, it seems simple, but I know for April it’s complicated, most of all because Leo doesn’t want to fight his cancer (I’m still hopeful that he’ll change his mind). I find the decision simple because I was reminded of that episode in Castle (ABC) called ‘Food to Die For’:


Richard Castle/Kate Beckett (Castle, ABC)

Castle: You ask me… she should’ve followed her heart, left David, gone with Wolf.

Beckett: You know, I can see the virtue in staying. I mean, guys like Wolf, they come in, they upset the apple cart. Of course he makes you feel alive, but eventually, you know he’s just gonna let you down. So why risk it?

Castle: Because the heart wants what the heart wants.

Therefore, I felt it was perfect that Chasing Life included the song, ‘In My Veins‘ (which also showed up on Castle), in the summer season finale for a Leo/April scene. This finale was amazing, and I look forward to watching the Christmas special and next year the second part of the season. April reminds me to focus on what’s really important in life, and Leo reminds me to live life to the fullest. In this crazy, tough and amazing world, I feel that we need to be reminded to love, and tell those you care about how much they mean to you. And most of all, we must follow our hearts, and live life with no regrets.

7_29_14 Chasing Life
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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials

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