The Path of Passion
One of Meg Cabot’s characters advised in her latest book, ‘No Judgments’: “Find what it is you love to do, and then do that thing as much as you can… That really is the meaning of life.” This quote really impacted me this week. Last year, I learned how valuable it was to follow the path that worked the best for me. It led me to better jobs, but also a revival with my writing. I have always loved writing, but I felt I had finally found more time to focus on my writing, and took a different approach to improve my skills, especially storytelling. I made the decision to make my writing more a priority. I’m working towards making progress towards becoming a full-time published author. Writing is my passion, especially creative writing. I don’t want to stop.
I’ve found what I love to do. I want to write as much as I can. Passion has led me here. I believe passion led you here as well. Now that we have found what we love, what do we do now? That is where we have to put in the effort as much as possible, even if it feels like there is no time in the day. This is why the pomodoro technique is helpful. Focus on your writing for 25 minutes, even if you don’t write for another sprint, you’ve written something today. It’s helpful to do several of these writing sprints a day whenever you feel you have a short amount of time, or you need to focus on what you’re working on, even revising. After the sprint, you can take a short break, and come back later. Another aspect that can help is to plan ahead. I don’t mean every aspect, but the big ideas written down. It provides a map for you to figure out what to do as you’re writing and revising. As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, even meditating and journaling before you start can get your mind focused on the task ahead. There are different tips and suggestions, but remember we’re all unique, and we are continuing to grow. So you need to figure out what works for you. At the end of the day, it’s about making progress with your writing.
I’ve been inspired lately not only with my novel, but to write short stories for two friends of mine. I don’t know what I plan on doing with the stories after they read them, but it’s been a wonderful adventure coming up with the ideas and bringing them to life. It’s another reminder how much it matters to me to find stories that people want to read and worth reading. Even though I’m writing with them in mind, I have found that I’m expanding my writing skills. So it isn’t only a gift for them, but for me. I look forward to having them read the stories. It also helps to be working on these stories as I wait for news on my novel. I have found it’s important for me to keep writing. It is what makes my life worthwhile. I hope writing, including mine, impacts you to keep doing what you love and bring meaning to life.