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Photo of Christina Vourcos

Struggling at Camp NaNoWriMo? Keep calm and soon you’ll write on…

Writer's picture: Christina VourcosChristina Vourcos

Clara Oswald is typing…

There aren’t many days left till the first session of Camp NaNoWriMo ends this year. Don’t panic. Grab that towel…

Sherlock has to go to his mind place to figure this out… since John won’t tell him.

It’s in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy!! I promise!

Wait, we’re not traveling the universe, you say? Well, it can still be useful as a writer, since while you write you will be traveling to your story universe. If you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll listen to Douglas Adams, who once said “a towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.” (FYI: Don’t forget Towel Day, May 25!)

So beside that towel, what else would help you as you get through the next few days. Well, from my own experience during NaNoWriMo in November, last year, I found a few things were really useful. Though you have some virtual cabin mates through the Camp NaNoWriMo site, I hope you were able to find a writer friend near by who is also partipating, if not as them if they are interested in writing along with you. It gives you chance to have someone to talk to. Kind of like how Sherlock talks to John about cases, because talking to skulls isn’t acceptable. They will help you give you the motivation to continue, and hopefully buy you tea, if you ask them nicely. Plus you’re also able to do sprints together. You can do them online, and they work just as well. There’s just something about being cafe, and writing as much as you can in 25 minutes, taking a break, and then having a few more sprints.

Simple Pomodoro Timer

I find that this simple Pomodoro Timer* works great (but if you can’t get this free app then try a kitchen timer or a stopwatch). Plus Pomodoro gives you an option after 25 minutes, if you want a 5 min break or a long break. For some reason I keep selecting the long break. It feels like a reward for writing those sprints. During the break, you can chat with your friend and/or listen to music (this is if you do the online version because you can type and listen to music at the same time).

Another good tip is to make sure you schedule time that you will be writing, no matter what. What seems to work best for me lately is scheduling sprint times during the week with a writing buddy. Then on Fridays I meet up with that writing buddy in person at a cafe, and have fun writing for as long as we’re able to. Yesterday, I got a chance to see two writing buddies, Freyja and Gloria. It doesn’t have to be only one, it can be several. Which ever works best for you. So far, Freyja and I have been giving each other support during this Camp NaNoWriMo session, which has been awesome.

Now before you begin this crazy fun journey to the end of this month, remember that Writer’s Block can be beaten, and that you’re not alone. First all, the break times will help you feel better, and give your mind a chance to explore where to go next without the worry of trying to place the words onto the page.

Things you can do to help remove that Writer’s Block:

1) Meditative mind-set; or progressive relaxation exercises can help relax your body and mind for better work. Exercise is not only healthy for you but can take away stress. Stress can really effect your body and mind. If you think that might take up too much time, just do a bit of basic breathing. Close your eyes, and slowly breath in and breath out for a little while.

2) Find a good location to write. If you’re not, go some where and try to write. It might help give a new perspective.

3) Read your work out loud. This is useful when trying to edit your work, right now you don’t need to edit until Camp NaNoWriMo session is over, but I believe reading it out loud can let you see how the story is going. Don’t let your inner critic tell you that it’s terrible. Just remember that your inner editor will be able to have fun later.

4) Journal: you can either write about what you’re struggling with, or you could even create your own written interview with your characters. Ask them what they are dealing with, what they want to do, and what they hope to accomplish. You might learn more than you ever thought possible.

5) Organize as much as possible, and at your finger tips. So if you need a dictionary, a drink of water, or story notes. They are close by, and ready to reach. Don’t forget to get that List for Writers app, if you have a smart phone.

6) Keep your plot points, your last line you’ve written, and other ideas on index cards. That way you see them right way before you turn on the computer, or open your note pad, and it helps you jog your memory. My friend Gloria mentioned this to me yesterday.

7) Be open to the world around you. Use all your senses, you’ll find that life can inspire art.

8) Read when you can. I know it’s tough, especially during NaNoWriMo, but it helps. Or try to read as much as possible before you do NaNoWriMo. Some times watching good tv shows, can also give you the inspiration and show you how to create a story.

9) List what you’ll do next. Plus you’ll have a little guideline while you write.

10) Write what you know, and forget what you don’t know yet. As you write, your mind will start to figure it out. Reflect on what you’ve planned, written so far, and begin to think about what would work best as your ending. Think of all the possible endings that could work for you story, and then pick the one that is best suited for you. If you write it, and it doesn’t seem to work. Try another ending, and see how that goes. If all else fails, call a friend and ask them which ending would work best.

11) Get sleep, eat, and do those important things you need to do each day. Sometimes that’s all you need.

Before I let you go write, I just wanted to let you know I’ll be a guest judge for my friend Wendy’s #5MinuteFiction this coming Tuesday at 8:30 pm EST. As well, you can keep up with my Camp NaNoWriMo progress (here), and let’s cheer each other all the way to the finish line.

* Update: The timer app has changed names, and setup. If you find an app similar to the one I’ve mentioned, please let me know. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Sherlock said it, so it must be true. 😀


Even the Doctor says so!

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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials


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Corpus Christi, Texas

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