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  • Writer's pictureChristina Vourcos

Plans for Camp NaNoWriMo – July Session 2020

From NaNoWriMo logo for Camp NaNoWriMo 2020

The writer’s job is never done. I’m working on getting my novel (drafted last year) published, but with recent rejections have made me realized that it needs more revision. So I found a good friend and co-worker willing to provide me feedback for revision. I will use this feedback to work on revising my novel during Camp NaNoWriMo’s July 2020 session. As I do so, I plan to update my blog weekly of my progress, and maybe share some creative writing, if I’m able to. Keep track of my progress here. It might not share much on my blog next month, as I want to focus on revision, but I want you all to keep me accountable. I look forward to your support.

July is also my birthday month. The first Friday is my birthday. So I’ll likely update on the first Saturday of my progress, and the next weeks either Friday or Saturday. One of the things I want for my birthday is to get my novel published. I will do all that can next month to make that happen. Camp NaNoWriMo offers winners a discount for Book Pipeline’s 2020 Unpublished contest. I’ve already won the discount for Camp NaNoWriMo – April 2020. This led me to focus my energy on this contest as way to get my novel published. The deadline to submit is September 5, 2020. A few friends of mine suggest that this is a good idea. I’m very hopeful. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll have a better manuscript and synopsis to work with towards publishing. Either traditionally or self-publish. No matter what I want this novel published, and move towards publishing more of my writing.

I will focus on revising the big aspects on my novel first, and then focus on smaller aspects or by chapters second. The feedback I’ve received so far suggest that I have to make my synopsis clearer, and expand my novel through plot development and the characters. It isn’t a major rewrite of the whole novel, but the minor revision and edits will make a difference on how readers process my novel. I look forward to receiving the feedback at the end of this month. This feedback will provide me a blueprint towards my revising during Camp NaNoWriMo – July 2020. Since I have a bit more time in the summer, I’ll able to focus more on my writing. After revising and editing, I plan to focus on what I can work on next. Hopefully one of them will be another novel, but I want to keep my options open. I am determined to continue to focus on my writing for the rest of the year and beyond.

Stay tuned to my blog for the latest updates on my writing as well as any possible creative writing I decide to share. I truly appreciate all the support, especially by those who are part of my team.

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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials

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