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Writer's pictureChristina Vourcos

Camp NaNo Winner 2020 -> Now Querying

Camp NaNoWriMo Winner – April & July 2020

If you haven’t been following my updates on my social media, or on my NaNoWriMo profile, I’ve won again during Camp NaNoWriMo 2020. In April, I won by completing 30 poems in 30 days for NaPoWriMo during the first session of Camp NaNoWriMo this year. This July, I revised my novel (that I completed in 2019) for the third time and won on the 19th with the goal of revising 50,000 words.

It really helped that I had good feedback to revise certain areas, but I still went through all the chapters to see if there was anything I could improve or add to enhance the story. Originally when I completed the story is was under 50,000 words. Not only did I add aspects throughout, but also a new chapter at the end. This final chapter really gives the story a better ending. After revising, I decided to submit to an unpublished novel contest, and start querying.

I will not know the result of the contest until October or November. So I pushed towards creating all the materials and fine tuning them for sending out queries to literary agents. I want to try out my options, before I go towards self-publishing, as I really want this book to be published. Even if I don’t publish this novel traditionally, I still plan on trying to traditionally publish in the future. I’ve even been thinking about what I’ll write next as I wait for responses. While I’m not thinking about my next story, I’m reading, and a bit of watching TV/Film/Web Series, from a writer’s perspective to improve my craft.

From the first batch of queries, I’ve received the first half back with rejections in a week. I’m still waiting on the second half. It seems likely I will received responses next Month, or no response back from them. Next month, or by September, I’ll send out another batch, determining on which agents are open for queries. The best part of the querying experience so far is being part of the #AmQuerying community on Twitter. I’m able to see how everyone is progressing, or struggling, which makes us realize we’re not alone, and also respond and follow fellow writers. Additionally, if agents have Twitter, it helps to see their updates as you wait for their response.

I also enjoy being part of the #WritingCommunity on Twitter as well, for similar reasons. I’ve enjoyed helping out my local writing group South Texas Scribes create a Camp NaNoWriMo group on the site so we could see our progress and support each other. The best win is that I’ve found ways to support fellow writers this month, while progressing on my own work, and knowing who supports me, because they’re always cheering me on and giving me good advice.

While I’ll be busy next month with querying, working on my next project, improving my craft, and working my amazing jobs, I still want to keep updating my blog as much as I can. It’s hard to be consistent with it, but I’ll try my best, especially if I have something to share. Take care, stay safe, and keep writing. Thanks for all the support.

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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials

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