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  • Writer's pictureChristina Vourcos

A Successful Camp NaNoWriMo 2019!

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This April and July sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo (plus the in between months) were really successful for me in many ways. I’ve had many opportunities throughout my life to publish my writing in some kind of form, but I could be sharing much more. In the month of April, I realized that my blog could be a great place to share short writing pieces, especially if I don’t plan to publish them in other ways. I decided to participate not only in Camp NaNoWriMo that month, where I could work on any project, but also NaPoWriMo, which is the challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days. This was an interesting and amazing experience to find what I would write about each day, and help me realize that I have the freedom this year to be creative, especially each day. This was also a great way for me to improve my mental health through writing. I’m so thankful to IDONTMIND for inspiring me to share more about mental health, and making me strive to improve my mental health. The feedback I received from friends, fellow writers, family, and others about my writing was rewarding, motivational, and also helped me figure out what I could do to next. I also have enjoyed the support of my Camp NaNoWriMo cabin filled with local writers from the South Texas Scribes. Poetry is such a wonderful way to express and present different things. I feel like it led me to visit New York City, which I realized I could go by the end of April. On the weekend of May 25, I went to New York City, and fell in love with the city. I hope to visit again someday. I’m thankful for all the incredible experiences I had that weekend, and who I spent it with. When I got back, I truly felt like I had turned 30 early.

So many exciting opportunities were coming forward for my writing and with my jobs. Additionally, so many people that continue to inspire me and motivate me forward, especially those who I work with. My life isn’t perfect and there’s always things I strive for, but I feel like I’m at an amazing place right now. I’m excited for the future adventures ahead. This July, I began working on my second essay project this summer. I thought Camp NaNoWriMo could positively push me to finish the essay draft, just like it did for my first published essay. It did. I’m still waiting to see if it will be published, but I’m hopeful. I also used this month to write poetry and anything I felt like writing, especially on my blog. It felt good to have the option to choose what I felt like writing, especially when I felt stuck sometimes, or felt like writing something different. Both of these months, I didn’t focus on word counts. I look at pages and hours to see my progress. There was some freedom to the fact that I wasn’t focusing on reaching a word count goal. Only focusing on getting something done each day. There’s writing I still need to revise and so much I still want to write. I can’t wait to see how much more I can complete by the end of this year.

Additionally this July, I’ve even had time to learn how to bake pies by scratch with the Waitress the Musical pie book with the songs playing in the background. Life has an interesting way of bringing all the ingredients you need to write, but it’s up to you to create something with it. By the way, I recommend going to see the musical before it closes on Broadway on January 5, 2020. Truly everything changes. Besides July 31 being the final day for Camp NaNoWriMo, but it also happens to be J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter‘s birthdays. They both inspired me to become a writer, and become everything I am and do each day. They truly have taught me that we have all the magic we need within ourselves, and we can imagine and do amazing things. Thanks to them. Thanks to you for all the support, and I look forward to updating this blog with whatever is ahead. I’m so blessed, thankful, and excited. I hope to publish more of my writing in the future. I also hope you will continue to follow my journey, and I wish you all the best, especially on your creative endeavors.

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Christina Vourcos


Self-Published Indie Author and Poet, Lymphoma Survivor, GreekLatina, M.A. 


Discover hope and what matters with my books and Kindle Vella serials

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