30 Poems In 30 Days: Poetry Therapy (Day 7)

Image from IDONTMIND.com – Find ways to fight the stigma around mental health
Poetry Therapy by Christy V.
There are thoughts always running
With moments like a blank page
Indescribable pain that flows
Skin that’s itchy for no reason
Dread that all will go wrong
Nothing ever seems good enough
Frozen in place unsure what to do
Emotions tumbling through
All the fears rolled up into one
Looked at like you’re too young
People asking if you’re okay
Doubting every decision made
Losing hope of your dreams
Smiling but breaking inside
Tired, it seems all the time
Heart racing through the night
Upset stomach in the morning
With a shortage of breath
Maybe it’s best to keep moving
Pushing the negative away
The way to fight is forward
Writing it all down to find
The piece of you that’s gone
Hopefully it will return soon
Everyone needs to understand
All is good besides your worries
With work, schedules, and pay
All you want is a vacation
Your mental health matters
You’ll be better eventually
Just not right now, that’s okay
Because you know you’ve been blessed
With amazing moments and talents to share