30 Poems in 30 Days 2022: What’s My Alter-Ego? (Day 8)

Selfies from my recent Instagram Reel
I would love to say my alter-ego is a superhero
I know that my powers aren’t the same
When I think of my alter-ego
She is my confidence magnified
She can be anyone she wants
It’s usually the one many see
She is the one that has all my strengths
With the understanding of her Kryptonite
She can do everything she wants to do
Nothing stops her determination
Even if something does, it makes her stronger
She is the one not worried about others
She knows that being a nerd is cool
Even if she is being silly, people will relate
My alter-ego would stay that I have
Important traits too, my supportive nature
The compassion to others and their stories
The passion to explore the arts
All that I do is important for the world
The educator, the web content manager, the independent writer, and it’s amazing
That I can do it all, the best that I can
It makes me realize that I have different parts of me, even with language and culture
Every part is worth knowing and celebrating
By Christy V.