30 Poems in 30 Days 2022: Latina Heroics (Day 3)
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“Sadly, we turn the page to right our hearts, knowing our lives too well to be the heroines of our mothers’ stories. We’re careful with the words we pick, the loves with no returns like the ones we wanted.”
– ‘Heroics’ by Julia Alvarez
Latina Heroics
We have the power to tell our stories
Throughout generations our souls turn
As we’ve been burden by the past
By trauma never addressed because
Sadly, we turn the page to the right
It matters what we do now
As well as for the future, our hearts
Knowing our lives too well to be
The heroines of our mother’s stories
We do what we can to make a difference
No matter what happens next
Staying still leads us to never change
The lessons we have learned leads us
We’re careful with the words we pick
Because we know that the loves
With no returns aren’t the ones
We truly wanted, as we know our value
By Christy V.