30 Poems in 30 Days 2022: Indie Writer Life (Day 30)

Photo by Christy V.
What does it mean to be an indie author?
What does it mean to be an indie poet?
It’s a lot of hats that you use for your work
You still have a team, but they’re for support
You’ve got to do a lot of it with your own effort
Time, and money to invest in your career
It’s not an easy path, not one way to go
If you take the path, it’s always worth it all
You might not see the progress as much
When you look back you’ll see all the growth
You write, edit, make graphics, and videos
Everything you can do for others to read
Once you start connecting with others
Including in the writing community
You’ll find your place, just for you
The success will come gradually
Be patient and do your best
The time is always now to show
You’re an indie writer for life
By Christy V.