30 Poems, 30 Days 2021: #IDONTMIND Mental Health (Day 19)

Image Credit: IDONTMIND.com (Journal available in shop)
I don’t mind mental health.
I’m grateful for my journey.
Speak out about mental health.
Especially if they tell you it’s always this way.
Crying for a year or silence on rocking the boat.
If you can’t speak out, especially at work,
Then you can’t speak about what matters.
Told to hold back my feelings,
Be “on” when working, directed that
Mental health for others, but not for me.
Led to fail from the beginning,
With no support to my struggles,
But those moments taught me,
To value the places that shine my value
With supporting understanding,
The true teams that make dreams work
By every effort to lessen the load
And brighten the road ahead.
Others have taught me to share my voice
That has made all the difference, and
I’ve moved to where happiness happens.
I will let others know what matters
For it matters to me. I won’t let them
Change my values that stand for
Compassion for all. If you can’t speak
The truth as an educator or writer,
Then you can’t speak for what matters.
I will always speak up for what matters
Where ever my path leads me.
By Christy V.