Supergirl's Motto: "Hope, Help, and Compassion For All."
Indie Author & Poet: Greek Latinx Stories, Inspiring Poetry, & Mental Health Nonfiction
Never Forget: A Latinx College Mystery
Would you join a psychological study to pay for college?
Valencia Calderon never expected her college would be paid for through a study that dealt with her trauma of losing her parents before high school graduation. The study's tech wizard, Xavier Gomez, is the only one she trusts and gets closer to since her best friend, Jasmine Dias, recently moved away and is difficult to reach. As we join Valencia through the study, we begin to learn along with her, especially the study’s layers: who's working, running, and created it? It's up to Valencia to write her destiny through the past.
Never Forget will be an interesting mystery to delve into with an inspiring ending. It’s the right time to buy this second stand-alone book in an interconnected series.
Debut Novel
Liberty Calling: A Latinx New Adult
Of all the comic book shops in South Texas, Lola Cortes (Mexican immigrant) walked into his. Chase Benitez learns of their newborn daughter, Evita, when Lola is taken from the hospital by ICE. Chase needs to overcome family dynamics to reunite his new family. But will Lola will find the hero within before Chase finds where she is? It looks like it is in reach when systematic obstacles get in their way. Years later, Evita’s parents’ story leads her to stardom, but it’s when she is drawn back home that she realizes that every version of love matters. In a time when life feels uncertain, Liberty Calling will be an emotional journey with a guaranteed hopeful ending.
Writing Craft
Writing Matters And So Do You
Writing community, we need to focus on mental health. Every writing book focuses on the process of crafting the story but it usually doesn't factor in our own struggles as authors. If we care for ourselves, we will be able to produce better writing. Especially when we're constantly told that we have to produce to be successful. If we run like we're running out of time, we will burnout. If we want to keep going, we have to pace ourselves & look at the long game. We make the dream work.
Learn About Me
Christina Vourcos is a self-published author and poet writing to help you dive within and discover yourself with love stories and poems. As a Greek Latina, she is inspired by both of her cultures but feels that Latinx allows her to be more diverse. There are some connections to her Greek heritage, and she hopes to add more, but her Latinx heritage isn't focused on enough in many mediums. She is bilingual in Spanish and wants to be trilingual in Greek. She enjoys making nerd references in her writing. From fiction to non-fiction, books, serials, short stories, and poetry, she can do it all as best as she can. Her work is available in different formats on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Half-Price Books, and your indie bookstore.