A Quick Update

Set the time, Doctor. (BBC Doctor Who, The Caretaker, Peter Capaldi)
I have to write a quick blog post for two reasons. One, I’m a bit busy right now keeping up with my grad classes & working on my essay project (more on that a bit later). The second, is that I feel like I’ve done a good job so far posting something on this blog at least once a month. I can’t break that good cycle.
Like always, I find myself working on figuring out how to schedule my time and try to get as much done of what I need to do (school, church, my essay project), so that way I have free time to do stuff that I want to do (aka time with my family, chat with friends, exercising, additional reading & watching TV). So I’ve tried schedule out my time on paper that way I can get everything done. You know what I’ve forgotten to add to my schedule… Creative Writing time. I know I don’t have to do much, but if I do a bit each day, or per week, I could do more than I already am. Some times sprints can force you to write, and forget what your unsure about. I need to find time to pencil that in.
I’m working right now on revising my essay (that going to be published some time in the future). I found that it’s been better for me to revise a section at a time on at least one day out of each week. I’ve got to keep up the momentum because my next draft is due by October 15th. I think it helped a bit to have signed a publishing contract. It made it feel even more real to me. It pushed my determination to do as much as possible without slacking on my school work. I’ve got one large section left to revise, but I’ve realized that I’ve got to narrow down my essay more because my word count must be around 4500 to 5500. If you know my writing, especially when I worked at the university newspaper, I had a bad habit of going over the word count. It bugged me to cut because I felt everything was important in some way. That’s kind of how I feel now on my essay as well, but to say in the word count and include everything I need to, I have to cut what isn’t quite necessary. I’ve worked on this long enough that I know what isn’t as important. Please send positive thoughts/prayers my way. I would really appreciate that. Thanks.
Besides all the literature I’m reading for classes, I really want to finish reading my advanced copy of SILVERN. Even though now it’s not advanced anymore since the book is now available for everyone. This book is the second of the GILDED series, written by my friend Christina Farley. It’s an amazing modern Korean myth story, with an amazing female main character. I recommend reading the series, if you haven’t already. I’m trying my best to read a bit at a time. It’s surprising that I haven’t finished it by now. I read many Young Adult books very quickly. At the same time, I’m glad that I’m taking my time and enjoying what my friend has written. Plus it’s nice to have something different to read outside of my classes.
I’m really enjoying my classes, especially since they are literature focused. My only issue is that I feel we’re rushing a lot because we have to read books quickly and we don’t have much time to discuss. It does keep everything interesting. Plus the stories aren’t boring, even if they aren’t my favorite stories ever. Every class period, I’m reminded why I choose to study literature. I need that more than ever because the world around us can make us doubt everything. I’m thankful that I have my family, friends and God on my side.
I hope you all are doing well.
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