30 Poems in 30 Days: Remove Guilt of Not Writing (Day 15)

Image from Canva
Writers need productive rest
If you don’t, issues will show up
You’ve got to keep your health in check
Physical and mental health equally
It’s all about work balance
Something I’ve been working on
There’s always outside pressures
To produce from writing to promoting
The part-time work to get by
Don’t feel guilty about living your life
Don’t feel guilty that you have things
That you need to do so you can write
Everything you do to get the word out
The life worth living to inspire the writing
Enjoying your favorite entertainment
Taking a break when you need it
Even if that means a little bit of writing
Or taking a bit more time to release
It will be worth it for your writing
But most of all, for self-care
Sometimes pain comes anyway
No matter what your balance is
So take care of yourself no matter
What others guilt you in feeling
It’s not procrastinating or writer’s block
You need that time, even if you’re browsing
Eventually you’ll get back to the words
Especially when you have deadlines
Rest, enjoy life, get things done,
Writing will come when you focus
A little bit at a time, where it works
There’s a reason why you love writing
Remember that when you’re struggling
By Christy V.