30 Poems, 30 Days: Peace Lily (Day 11)

Credit: Christy V.
Everyone remembers Forget-Me-Nots
Those tiny blue blossoms of true love
They even are used to remember the past
It takes some time and research to find
The Peace Lily, as a plant that is kind
Many might see sympathy or peace
No one focuses on their green leaves with
Their white flags as truce for every one
Not the flowers that everyone believes
Flowers are tiny on the spike within the flag,
As the Greek roots mean spoon leaves,
Not truly lilies, but no one minds
They prefer the shade and a bit of bright light
They enjoy being inside if not in the rainforest
As they cannot handle icy reception
They say “Feed Me” when they droop pitifully
As they are very thirsty and unhappy
Pour water, and in an hour, they’re alive again
Don’t give up, if it isn’t an hour, re-pot if too thirsty
Don’t feed the lilies too much, only when dirt is dry
It’s easy to care, and they’ll care right back
As Peace Lillies have air-purifying qualities
And balance the energy in any room
You won’t mind them six or fifty inches tall
They are easy to keep alive, especially in Spring
If you’re lucky, they might bloom again in Fall
Wash your hands, if touched they irritate
Mildly toxic to small humans, but besides that
You’ll encounter few problems and only peace
By Christy V.